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Values are the things that are most important to us, that we passionately believe in and that drive every area of our life together.


Relationships are all about connections with God and with others in God’s family. These
relationships enrich our fellowship and help us grow in our faith and knowledge of God the Father. DOVE Afric
a values healthy relationships in the family, in the life groups, in the
church family and with the entire body of Christ.

Prayer is more than a religious duty; it is our lifestyle. We pray before we do anything, while
we are doing it and after we are done. We strive to live a life of prayer. In prayer we worship
God; we bring our needs and the needs of the world to Him and we allow the Holy Spirit to
transform us, empower us and reveal His specific strategies for Kingdom building.

Someone who is transparent can be seen through easily. In order to experience deeper unity, we must learn to be open with one another. Transparency keeps us healthy and pure. When we are vulnerable with one another and willing to reveal our weaknesses, we experience God’s power and the strength that each part of the body supplies.


For many years, Africa has suffered from a breed of people who say one thing and mean
quite the other. We desire to see a change. Integrity is what you are when no one is 
watching. Men and women of integrity are those who will keep their word at whatever cost.

Servanthood was Jesus’ way of life. Servant leaders make people feel valued, appreciated
and encouraged to fulfil their potential and find their destiny.

To be accountable is to be answerable and ready to give a report. Jesus demonstrated
accountability as He submitted to God the Father in all that He did. Healthy relationships
require mutual accountability. We help each other grow in our Christian walk, service and
leadership through relationships of accountability.


The initiative involves taking a first step or taking the lead. When we value initiative, we trust others to take steps, make decisions, and live out the direction and vision that God has
placed in their lives.

Kingdom work requires obedience to the King. The task of transforming the African
continent will be accomplished by those who walk in obedience to God and obedience to 
those who give them spiritual oversight. Jesus lived a life of total obedience; He expects us to follow in His footsteps.

Purity involves cleanness, innocence and chastity. Purity should be evident in all that we do. In a continent where contamination permeates almost every sphere of life, a standard of
purity and righteousness is necessary
 to overcome the strategies of darkness and usher in
victorious Kingdom living.





(717) 715-14358

 +(254) 722-867320



DOVE Africa P.O.Box 28721-00200

Nairobi, Kenya

Web Design by - Amarela

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